Category This Round Planet

In search of Alex: So near yet so far

Part 2 of my Hawaiian adventure is all about Hawaii 50 and my search for filming. Stumbling along some filming (and Alex!) was always going to be a bonus and I was determined not to let my fangirling overshadow our holiday.  However, I knew that episode 3.23 was being shot while we were on Oahu and I was […]

Two fangirls walk into an island

The H50 Champ Box proudly presents a fangirl story by @fangirlsage: What Andrea_Briz did not tell you about her trip to Hawaii was that the true highlight, outside of getting smiled at by Ian Anthony Dale, was getting to meet with a fellow fangirl:  me.  Live and in person. With shave ice. *** Let’s back up a […]

My Hawaiian adventure

I’ve just returned from a two week family trip to Hawaii and I thought it would be nice to share some of my photos, to showcase the beauty that is Hawaii. I know we’d all agree that Alex is part of the beauty that is Hawaii but I’m not sure even HE could compete with […]